Computer-Generated Imagery

 CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery)

  • What is CGI?
Computer-Generated imagery is the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, simulations or computer animations. The images maybe dynamic or static, and may be two-dimensional, although the term "CGI" is most commonly used refer to the 3-D computer graphics used for creating characters.
  • Architectural scenes
Modern architects use services from computer graphic firms to create 3-dimensioanl models for both customers and builders. The processing of architectural spaces without the use of paper and pencil tools is now a widely accepted practice with a number of computer-assisted architectural design systems.
  • Anatomical models
Computer generated models used in skeletal animation are not always anatomically correct. However, organizations such as the Scientific Institute have developers anatomically correct computer based models. Computer generated anatomical models can be used for both instructional and operational purposes. 
  • Computer animation
While computer-generated images of landscapes may be static, computer animation only applies to dynamic images that resemble a movie. However, in general, the term computer animation refers to dynamic images that do not allow user interaction.

To create the illusion of movement, an image is displayed on the computer screen and repeatedly replaced by a new image which is similar to the previous image, but advanced slightly in the time domain.

- Thank You -

Information from Wikipedia


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