Evolution of Storage devices

 Evolution of Storage devices

The human brain ability to store and remember vast amount of imformation is a mystery that scientists are still understanding. We cannot remmeber every detail and sometimes we completely forget the most critical data.

Storing data in papers and books was not an option due to their volatility, and as a result, storage devices surfaced in the 1950s. The earliest storage device with a capacity of 3.75MB cost $3200 per month on a lease. In comparison with data storage today, it is a large expenditure for a small storage capacity.

Storage devices have transformed in terms of size and price, allowing us to carry voluminouse amounts of data on devices that can fit in our pockets.

You can find some storage devices below from the earliest. 

  • Floppy Disk : 1967
  • Compact Disks : 1982
  • USB Flash Drive
  • Cloud Computing
For 50 years, scientists have experimented with variouse methods to find a perfect storage solution. And we can say in the future there will be more powerful storage devices. 

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