

 Free and open-source software What is FOSS? FOSS (Free and open-source software) is a software that can be classified and both free software and open-source software. It means anyone is freely licensed to use, copy, study, and change the software in any way.  FOSS maintains the software user's civil liberty rights. Other benefits of using FOSS can include decreased software costs, increased security and stability.  Overview of FOSS "Free and open-source software" is an umbrella term for software that is simultaneously considered both free software and open-source software. The term "Free software" does not not refer to the monetary cost of the software at all, but rather whether the license maintains the software user's civil liberties.  History of FOSS From the 1950s and on through the 1980s, it was common for computer users to have the source code for all programs they users, and the permission and ability to modify it for their own use.  By the late 1960


 Deepfakes What is Deepfakes? Deepfakes are synthetic media in which a person in an existing image ot video is replaced with someone else's likeness. While the act of faking content is not new, deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and AI to manipulate ot generate visual and audio content with a high potencial to deceive.  History of Deepfakes Deepfake technology has been developed by reasearchers at academic institutions beginning in the 1990s, and later by amateurs in online communities.  Commercial development in Deepfakes In January 2018, a proprietary desktop application called FakeApp was launched. This app allows users to easily create and share videos with their faces swapped with each other.  Larger companies are also starting to use deepfakes. The mobile app giant Momo created the application Zao which allows users to superimpose their face on television and movie clips with a single picture.  Applications in Deepfakes Blackmail Politics Art Acting

Evolution of Storage devices

 Evolution of Storage devices The human brain ability to store and remember vast amount of imformation is a mystery that scientists are still understanding. We cannot remmeber every detail and sometimes we completely forget the most critical data. Storing data in papers and books was not an option due to their volatility, and as a result, storage devices surfaced in the 1950s. The earliest storage device with a capacity of 3.75MB cost $3200 per month on a lease. In comparison with data storage today, it is a large expenditure for a small storage capacity. Storage devices have transformed in terms of size and price, allowing us to carry voluminouse amounts of data on devices that can fit in our pockets. You can find some storage devices below from the earliest.  Floppy Disk : 1967 Compact Disks : 1982 USB Flash Drive Cloud Computing For 50 years, scientists have experimented with variouse methods to find a perfect storage solution. And we can say in the future there will be more powerfu

Material Design

 Material Design What is Material Design? Material design is a design language developed by Google in 2014 . Expanding on the "cards" that debuted in Google now. Google announced material design on June 25, 2014, at the 2014 Google I/O conference.   What is the main purpose of Material Language? The main purpose of material design is creation of new visual language that combines principles of good design with technical and scientific innovation. Material has physical surfaces and edges. Seams and shadows provide meaning about what you can touch. Implementation of Material Language Material Design was to be gradually extended throughout Google's array of web and mobile products, providing a consistent experience across all platforms and applications.  After the 2018 revamp, Google began redesigning most of their apps into a customized and adapted version of Material Design called the Google Material Theme, also dubbed "Material Design 2". When unveiling Android 1


Misinformation What is misinformation? Misinformation is false, inaccurate  or misleading information that is communicated regardless of an intention to deceive. Disinformation is a subset of misinformation that is deliberately deceptive. Misinformation is Social media Social media can contribute to the spread of misinformation when users share information without first checking the legitimacy of the information they have found. Social Media platforms offer the perfect background for the spread of misinformation. The exact sharing and motivation behind why misinformation spreads through social media so easily remain unknown. A 2018 study of twitter determined that, compared to the accurate information, false information spread significantly faster, further, deeper and more broadly. Misinformation thrives in a social media landscape frequently used and spread by college students. This can be supported by scholars such as Ghost and Scott, who indicated that misinformation is "becomi

Computer-Generated Imagery

 CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) What is CGI? Computer-Generated imagery is the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, simulations or computer animations. The images maybe dynamic or static, and may be two-dimensional, although the term "CGI" is most commonly used refer to the 3-D computer graphics used for creating characters. Architectural scenes Modern architects use services from computer graphic firms to create 3-dimensioanl models for both customers and builders. The processing of architectural spaces without the use of paper and pencil tools is now a widely accepted practice with a number of computer-assisted architectural design systems. Anatomical models Computer generated models used in skeletal animation are not always anatomically correct. However, organizations such as the Scientific Institute have developers anatomically correct computer based models. Computer generated anatomical models can be use

5G Technology

 5G Technology What is 5G Technology? 5G is the fifth generation technology stands for broadband cellular networks, which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide in 2019, and is the planned successor to the 4G networks which provide connectivity to most current cellphones. 5G Networks are predicted to have more than 1.7 billion subscribers worldwide by 2025. 5G Technology speed 5G speed will range from ~50 Mbit/s to over a gigabit/s. The fastest 5G is in the mmWave bands and can reach up to 4 Gb/s. Sub-6 GHz 5G, by far the most common, will usually deliver between 100 and 400 Mbit/s, but will have a much faster reach than mmWave.  5G Technology latency In 5G, the "air latency" in equipment shipping in 2019 is 8-12 milliseconds. The latency to the server must be added to the ""sir latency for most comparisons. Edge servers close to the tower can reduce latency to 10-20 ms.  5G Range The range of 5G depends on many factors. A key factor is the frequency bei